We are committed to strategic monitoring of dairy pasteurization systems.
The intent is to provide real time system analysis to assure optimal performance of your pasteurization equipment, processes, and protocols to deliver the highest quality colostrum or milk to newborn calves.
We are obsessive with quality work, and our portfolio shows it. We specialize in microbiology, data logging, education, and consultation in the management of newborn calf nutrition using pasteurized whole milk and colostrum systems. We remove the guesswork from your system’s performance and offer a benchmarking network to maximize your resources in feeding newborn dairy calves.
Ongoing Monitoring
Utilizing data from your system, we provide feedback that allows you to routinely monitor how your system is functioning. This information can be used to assure that established processes are being adequately executed and that one of your most valuable resources, your calves, is being fed the best quality milk.
Bacteria counts; CFU’s/ml (Colony Forming Units/ml)
Total solids and pH reporting on your milk/colostrum samples
Sampling is done on pre-pasteurization, post-pasteurization, and at the time milk is fed to calves. Incorporating these monitoring tools enables you to optimize your investment and assure that your calves are routinely being fed the highest quality milk possible.
IgG concentrations available for the individual calf or colostrum samples
A quantitative number, more specific than total protein concentration, as to the immune system and overall health of your calf.
Pasteurization System Benchmarking
Data from your system is benchmarked to provide comparative information on the performance of your system and protocols. This information is provided only to you for your dairy.