Bacterial and Sensory Assessment of Ultraviolet Treated Raw Milk

 posted on January 15, 2012 11:56

Bacterial and Sensory Assessment of Ultraviolet Treated Raw Milk

Douglas J. Reinemann[1], K. Houck[2], J.R. Bishop2, and T. Cilliers[3]   

Abstract:  Experiments were conducted at the University of Wisconsin- Madison, milking research and Instruction lab and Center for Dairy Research to evaluate the efficacy of a novel Ultraviolet (UV) system for reducing bacteria counts in raw milk.  The UV treatment method was shown to be capable of reliably achieving in excess of a 3 log10 reduction in bacteria measured as standard plate, psychrotrophic, coliform and thermoduric counts.  Sensory analysis was done at the time of treatment and after refrigerated storage for 7 day intervals for up to 4 weeks on raw milk that had been UV treated to obtain 1, 2 and 3 log10 bacterial reduction.  Milk that had been pasteurized using HTST methods was used as a control and was compared to milk that had been both HTST and UV treated.  Sensory panels showed a preference for the UV treated milk when treated to achieve a log10 (10x) reduction in bacteria for storage intervals up to 28 days.  Sensory panels found little difference between milk that was UV treated to achieve a 2 log10 (100x) reduction and untreated milk across storage intervals from zero to 21 days.  Changes in flavor were observed at the time of treatment and for all storage intervals in milk that was UV treated to achieve a 3 log10 (1000x) reduction.   UV treatment has been shown in these, as well as in other studies, to be capable of reducing bacteria count in raw milk.  Excessive or improper treatment may, however, affect milk odor and flavor so that care must be taken in the way that UV treatment is applied for various milk products.  Possible applications of this technology include cold treatment of raw milk, reduction of bacteria not susceptible to thermal treatment, psychrotrophic reduction in refrigerated milk stored for prolonged periods, and bacteria reduction to improve milk quality in parts of the world where lack of a reliable energy supply and high cost make on-farm refrigeration prohibitive.         

[1] Presenter, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Milking Research and Instruction Lab. 

[2] University of Wisconsin- Madison, Center for Dairy Research

[3] PureUV, Tokai, South Africa